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TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
 Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014

TeamLab, fondato nel 2001 da Toshiyuki Inoko a Tokyo, è un gruppo interdisciplinare di ultra-tecnici che unisce arte, tecnologia, design e il mondo naturale. Radicato nella tradizione della antica arte giapponese e nelle forme contemporanee delle anime, TeamLab parte da un senso spiccatamente giapponese della spazialità, indagando il comportamento umano nell’era dell’informazione  e proponendo modelli innovativi per lo sviluppo della società.

TeamLab ha ideato Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, un’installazione immersiva e  interattiva che evoca i cicli di vita, crescita e decadimento dei fiori di ciliegio. Il tutto condensato nell’arco di un’ora.

TeamLab, founded by Toshiyuki Inoko in Tokyo in 2001, is an interdisciplinary group of ultra-technical that combining art, technology, design and the natural world. Rooted in the tradition of the ancient Japanese art and contemporary forms of souls, TeamLab starts from a distinctly Japanese sense of space, investigating human behavior in the information age and proposing innovative models for the development of society.

TeamLab has devised Flowers and People, Can not be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year to Hour, an immersive and interactive installation that evokes the life cycles, growth and decay of cherry blossoms. All it condensed in the space of an hour.

TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014


TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
 Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – Kunisaki Peninsula, 2014

Quest’opera d’arte è in continuo mutamento. È l’interazione tra lo spettatore e l’installazione che provoca il cambiamento continuo l’opera di video arte, nella quale gli stati visivi non possono mai essere replicati, sono irripetibili.

Gli spettatori, attraverso i loro movimenti, determinano le evoluzioni in Flowers and People, un lavoro gestito in tempo reale e reso possibile da uno specifico software. Il ciclo di crescita e decadenza si ripete in eterno all’interno di una stanza buia, ma traboccante di colori, in cui i fiori sono interattivi, perdono i petali, appassiscono, sbocciano di nuovo oppure crescono rigogliosi a seconda della vicinanza e della posizione dello spettatore. E ‘un luogo di grande serenità e ipnotizzante.

Quale miglior modo per rappresentare l’impercettibile lento trascorrere del tempo della natura, altrimenti dato per scontato dalla società odierna, e ribadire che ogni azione umana influisce direttamente sui cicli naturali?

This artwork is in flux. It is the interaction between the viewer and the installation that causes the constant change of the video-art work, in which the visual states can never be replicated, they are unrepeatable.

The spectators, through their movements, determine the continous evolution in Flowers and People, a job managed in real time and made possible by a specific software. The growth and decay cycle repeats forever inside a dark room, but full of color, where the flowers are interactive, they lose their petals, wilt, blooming again or thrive depending on proximity and position of viewer. It ‘a place of great serenity and mesmerizing.

What better way to represent the imperceptible slow passage of time in nature, otherwise taken for granted by today’s society, and reaffirm that every human action has a direct impact on natural cycles?

TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
 Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
TeamLab, Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015
Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour, California, 2015

More info and photo credits on: TeamLabOfficialSite