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    “Ho capito che le cose erano più belle e complesse all’interno di quello che era visibile dall’esterno…
Non saprai mai cosa ti perdi se non troverai un modo per entrare e guardare.

– Bryan Nash Gill

I found that things were more beautiful and complex inside than what was visible from the outside…
You’ll never know what you’re missing if you don’t find some way to get inside and look.

– Bryan Nash Gill


Brian Nash Gill - Woodcut, Cedar Branch, 2012
Brian Nash Gill – Woodcuts, Cedar Branch, 2012
Brian Nash Gill - Woodcut, Double Crescent, 2013
Brian Nash Gill – Woodcuts, Double Crescent, 2013
Brian Nash Gill - Woodcut, Yellow Cedar, 2012
Brian Nash Gill – Woodcuts, Yellow Cedar, 2012

Bryan Nash Gill (1961 – 2013) è nato a Hartford, Connecticut, ed è cresciuto in una fattoria a Granby. Nel 1984 si è laureato presso la Tulane University di New Orleans, dove ha conseguito un Bachelor of Fine Arts, con un focus su vetro soffiato. Trasferitosi in Italia per studiare la scultura in pietra, si laurea con un master of Belle Arti nel 1988 per poi tornare negli Stati Uniti per studiare al California college of the Arts.
Anche se Gill ha iniziato la sua carriera artistica in vetro soffiato, ceramica e disegno del paesaggio, ha gradualmente trasferito la sua attenzione alla scultura, e, con il tempo, ha sempre più ha iniziato a lavorare con il legno al posto del metallo.

Bryan Nash Gill (1961 – 2013) was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and grew up on a farm in Granby. In 1984 he graduated from Tulane University in New Orleans, where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts, with a focus on blown glass. He moved to Italy to study sculpture in stone, he graduated with a Master of Fine Arts in 1988 before returning to the US to study at the California College of the Arts.
Although Gill began his artistic career in blown glass, ceramics and landscape design, he has gradually transferred his attention to sculpture, and, with time, has increasingly started to work with wood instead of metal.

Bryan Nash Gill - Woodcut
Bryan Nash Gill – Woodcuts
Bryan Nash Gill - Woodcut
Bryan Nash Gill – Woodcuts
Bryan Nash Gill - Woodcut
Bryan Nash Gill – Woodcuts

L’artista ha iniziato la creazione di xilografie dalla sezione di un albero nel 2004. La maggior parte delle sue xilografie sono create con tre parti morte o danneggia di un albero, raccolte e preparate nel suo studio per ottenere sezioni da utilizzare per la stampa a rilievo.
I Woodcuts di Bryan cattura l’essenza di un albero, la sua unicità, la sua anima. Attraverso le sue xilografie Gill testimonia il tempo e la vita dell’albero, rendendolo visibile e tangibile da tutti. Le sue stampe rivelano gli anni felici, gli inverni rigidi, la siccità, il sole assaporato, la costanza della crescita. Guardando le sezioni dall’alto, invertendo il consueto orientamento dell’uomo rispetto ad un albero, accende una sorta di timore reverenziale trascendentale a questi record di vita arborei. Ma spetta al pubblico dare un senso al tempo della vita dell’albero.

The artist began creating woodcuts from the section of a tree in 2004. Most of his woodcuts are created with three dead parts or damage of a tree, harvested and prepared in his study for the sections to be used for printing relief.
The Woodcuts of Bryan captures the essence of a tree, its uniqueness, its soul. Through his woodcuts Gill testifies time and life of the tree, making it visible and tangible to all. His prints reveal the happy years, harsh winters, droughts, savored the sun, the constancy of growth. Looking at the above sections, reversing the usual man’s orientation with respect to a tree, lights a kind of reverential fear transcendental to these arboreal life record. But it is up to the public to make sense at the time of the tree’s life.

Bryan Nash Gill - Focus on Process The Mechanics of Five Printmakers, Slipe Gallery, Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut, 2011
Bryan Nash Gill – Focus on Process The Mechanics of Five Printmakers, Slipe Gallery, Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut, 2011
Bryan Nash Gill - Focus on Process The Mechanics of Five Printmakers, Slipe Gallery, Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut, 2011
Bryan Nash Gill – Focus on Process The Mechanics of Five Printmakers, Slipe Gallery, Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut, 2011
Bryan Nash Grill - Beyond the Landscape, Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 2012
Bryan Nash Grill – Beyond the Landscape, Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, 2012

Woodcuts di Gill sono stati esposte al Museo New Britain of American Art e Museo DeCordova e Sculpture Park, ed è stato incaricato di creare impianti per Expo 2005 in Giappone e per il World Financial Center di New York.

The Gill’s Woodcuts were exhibited at the New Britain Museum of American Art and DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, and has been commissioned to create installations for Expo 2005 in Japan and the New York World Financial Center.

More info and photo credits: Gill’s Woodcuts