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 “La concezione del tempo che ha una farfalla, un fiore, un albero, un animale un uomo, una pietra, una montagna, un fiume, un mare, un continente, un atomo, produce la varietà infinita del pensiero e delle forme dell’universo.”

-Giuseppe Penone

“The conception of time that has a butterfly, a flower, a tree, an animal, a man, a stone, a mountain, a river, an ocean, a continent, an atom, produces the infinite variety of thought and forms of  the universe.”

-Giuseppe Penone

Giuseppe Penone, Space of Light at Whitechapel Gallery, 2012

Giuseppe Penone, Space of Light at Whitechapel Gallery, 2012

Giuseppe Penone, Space of Light at Whitechapel Gallery, 2012

Giuseppe Penone, Space of Light at Whitechapel Gallery, 2012

Space of Light at Whitechapel Gallery, 2012

More info and photo credits on: Juliet Magazine